Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Clean Slate

So this blog was not exactly heading in the direction I wanted it to be. I find that every time I log onto here, I am posting about how I haven't posted in a while. Though I am leaving behind some posts that I am very much proud of, I am giving myself the chance to start anew as I embark onto a new chapter of my life: college.

If you want to continue to follow me, I am moving to over here. :)

love always,

Saturday, February 9, 2013

New year, new me?

Okay, so I know the time for a new years resolution post has passed seeing as how its February and all, but who said that you can't set goals for yourself any other time of the year?

So like the other billions of people out there, one of my resolutions this year (and the year before, and the year before) is to get in shape! Every year, I tell myself that it's the year I'm going to make a change. Seeing as how I am attempting to make this commitment again this year, I obviously did not follow through with my plan. But this year, THIS year, is going to be different for the following reasons:

1. Prom is coming up, so you know.
2. In the Fall, I am going to go who knows where for college. So I want to feel the most confident I can possibly feel.
3. I am tired of not being able to wear certain things because I don't look good in it.

Now, I understand that I have a mild case of issues with commitment, so I am going to make it slightly easier on myself. In the past, I've tried to do the same workout everyday, but that just got boring. So my goal for every day I work out is to do some strength training and run 2 miles a day. As it gets easier, I'll amp up my workouts. Now, I know that this workout routine seems to very loose, but that's the point. I cannot stress how much I hate doing the same workout every day for a long extended period of time, so hopefully this way will work. I'll probably be changing up what I am doing every week or so.

Here are my plans:

Short term goal:
Run 2 miles a day or do an hour or so of pilates or yoga.

Long term goal:
Run 5 miles a day within an hour or so.

I think I am going to start blogging regularly about what I am doing in order to keep myself in check.
