Sunday, March 4, 2012

overdue, but not quite!

So around Valentines day, my Kindle Fire came in the mail. Yay! It is an earlier birthday gift from padre<3. So I took the "unboxing" as an excuse to play around with my camera and a reason to blog!

the little boxy thing that says kindle contains the charger!

I am honestly a sucker for innovative/creative packaging and this really got me! I was not expecting this from Amazon. When going to open the box, there was a little tab thing that you had to pull in order to open it. Then there was a card that told one how to turn it on. After lifting up the kindle, there was a charger hiding under it. I have to say, this was a neat little package!

I have had it for several weeks now and I do like it. This is my first e-reader, so I can not compare it to anything. I have played with my cousin's Kindle touch and I have to say I like this a lot more. I am one of those people that prefer color on my screen! Sure, the e-ink may be better for my already dying eyes, but in the end, this type of screen satisfies my needs. There are settings in which you can change the background to brown with black words or black background with white words as opposed to a white background and black words. I did think that I would not like my e-reader too much because I like to physically hold the book. However, I do enjoy reading from it and it's nice to know that I can read almost any book with just a click (my wallet cannot say the same). I did want to give it a try so that I can be more environmentally friendly. I no longer have to waste paper or resources that transport books. It starts with the small changes in life right?

Anyways, overall I am really satisfied with the kindle fire. However, I find a lot of the other features pretty useless. I am not one that fully utilizes the apps because lets face it, I was able to do all of that on my phone already. Also, I suppose it is better to search the web on the Kindle, but not everywhere I go will have Wi-fi. Despite all of this, I think it was still a great buy. Purchasing books from the Kindle store is actually cheaper than buying a hard copy in most cases, so it will eventually even out.

oh yeah, so I decided that this blog will also help me work on my photography skills.. so if the photos suck or you would have like to seen more in my photos (eg. maybe the charger for the kindle?), I'm sorry. You're going to have to bear with me!
